Tooth decay is a preventable disease. Some good eating and home care habits will make a difference
- Frequency of eating affects risk. No more than 3 main meals and 2 snacks
- no more than 2 sweet drinks/snacks per day (preferably none)
- Grazing (snacking in between meals) is bad for teeth
- any fermentable carbohydrate can be turned into acid
- sweet drinks (juice, cordial, flavoured milk, soft drink)
- Milo or Quik (each 200ml serve has 20g of sugar = 4 teaspoons)
- processed foods made with white flour and sugar (cakes, biscuits)
- dried fruit
- muesli bars, rollups, fruit sticks, fruit bars, LCM bars etc
- starchy foods (chips, rice crackers, rice cakes, white bread)
- lollies especially those held in the mouth for lengthy periods (eg Chupa Chups)
Preferred Snacks
- fresh fruit and veges
- cheese
- wholegrain breads and biscuits
- yoghurt (with limited added sugar)
- nuts (if allowed) eg macadamias, pecans, brazil, walnuts
Preferred Drinks
- water
- milk
- Brush twice daily – parent to brush until child is at least 8 years old
- Use a fluoride toothpaste – think of it as “medication for teeth” to be applied twice daily
- Encourage child to spit and rinse, then use the next age group of toothpaste
- floss nightly
Visit your dentist 6 monthly
- advice on how to prevent dental problems
- early treatment to prevent bigger problems later